The best hay nets on the market! These work great for horses or llamas - Allows your animals to eat more slowly and with less wasted hay. Super durable, easy to use nets are made in USA.
3 mesh sizes:
1 inch Extreme Slow Feed. For very overweight horses or llamas
1 1/4 inch Slow Feed. For easy keepers.
1 3/4 inch Original Size.
Llamas get the hang of it right away, and it's more of a natural browsing way of eating for them.
We've used these hay nets for several years for both horses and llamas. They figured out right away how to eat out of the nets -and they nibble and pick at the hay instead of chowing down big mouthfuls. The nets are very durable - the horses stomp on them and pull the nets with their teeth, and I've only had to do a couple minor repairs (extra string is included with each net)
The paint mare in the photos has EMS (equine metabolic syndrome) and she only needs a small amount of hay each day. Before we got the nets she would finish her hay in about five minutes and be bored the rest of the day. Now she can pick at the hay all day, which helps keep her insulin levels even. It's much easier to keep the weight off her now, and her health has improved immensely.
If your horses are wearing shoes, you need to hang the nets up high enough that they can't paw at them (they could hook a shoe) or put the bales inside a feeder. My horses are barefoot so I don't worry about it. From the manufacturer: We do not recommend use with horned animals, horses with blankets or non-breakaway halters. Nets may be used with shod horses, but must be used with a traditional hay ring that is flush with the ground or hung high enough so the horse cannot paw at it.
These are more expensive than some nets, but they will last WAY longer that the cheap ones. I still use the first ones I bought five years ago every day, and they have only minimal signs of wear.
We also have replacement ropes, hoggles, and repair kits.